A comedy show hosted by Tawanda Gona, Gabe Pereira, Kenice Mobley, and Kofi Thomas, Boyz in the Woods comedy brings you the best stand-up comics you’ve seen on HBO, SNL, Netflix, and more.
Think you’re an expert on the latest pop culture news?
Audience members at Boyz in the Woods can win free drinks at our shows by answering pop culture and hip-hop trivia questions in between comedian’s sets.
December’s lineup features
Zahid Dewji (Fallon)
Eva Evans (Dont Tell, BET, VH1)
Momo (NY Comedy Fest)
Join us at Friends and Lovers, for great vibes and seasonal cocktails, along with world famous DJs to keep you moving and grooving after the show. Perfect for meetups, after work, birthdays, and big groups. Come laugh with us!
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram @Boyzinthewoodsny for updates on more drink deals and special drop-in guests.
All Sales Final